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Behavioral Fitness
Action Plans

A comprehensive, dynamic, and evidence-based approach
to ensure everyone in your organization feels supported.

Research reveals that 96% of companies globally are providing mental health resources but only one out of six feel supported. It is becoming clearer that employers have a social responsibility to provide a workspace that promotes employee well-being.  Behavioral Fitness™ Action Plans are a comprehensive, dynamic, and evidence based approach to ensure that all involved feel well supported.  The Behavioral Fitness™ Action Plan is data-driven based on your unique employee base, industry, diverse culture, and community influences. We combine the best-in-class approaches from consumer buying behaviors, behavioral economics, and cultural trends as a way to meet the needs of your organization, community, team, or department.

What to Expect from a
Behavioral Fitness™
Action Plan

We begin our process by identifying best-in-class industry experts based on your unique business needs. We conduct research (using any current data and resources), assess global and national benchmarks, and evaluate measures of employee well-being to establish a baseline appraisal of the Behavioral Fitness of your organization. As part of this process, we identify risks and associated costs of your current situation. Using evidenced-based population health plans that are specific to your organization, we develop an Action Plan with built-in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) components and measurable metrics (lifestyle and biometrics) for success.

Behavioral Fitness™Action Plans may include:

  • Evidence-based interventions and programming
  • Risk management through a Population Health Management Program framework
  • Creation of Behavioral Fitness™ taskforce
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) development
  • Workforce development—develop, design, and deliver programs, workshops, and plans for professional development in the areas of behavioral, emotional, and psychological safety
  • Sustainability planning to ensure long-term success—spreading to other parts of the business and scaling to include evolving programming
  • Roadmap for 30/60/90 days up to 5 years
  • Integration with organizational strategic plan
  • Metrics for evaluation
  • Cost per person and return-on-investment (ROI) calculator for accurate planning

Who can benefit from Behavioral Fitness™ Action Plans?

  • Organizations
  • Department leaders
  • People officers and human resource professionals
  • Schools
  • Community organizations
  • Teams
  • Anyone interested in best-in-class well-being programs and approaches to psychological safety

Getting started is easy

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with Dr. Mayo to learn more about Behavioral Fitness™ Action Plans—and be on your way to being behaviorally fit today!

Schedule your free 15-minute consultation today!